At the beginning of the game, terrorists steal four nuclear weapons from a storage facility in Russia, and proceed to sell them to various nations. The story involves the theft of nuclear weapons, and the main enemy turns out to be an Afrikaner neo-fascist group based in Germany, led by South African exile Sergei Dekker. In multiplayer mode, there are seven gametypes: Arsenal, Assassination, Capture the Flag, Conquer the Bunker, Control, Deathmatch and Realistic Deathmatch. The game also came with password-protected options to disable all gore and there is even a version of the game with the extreme violence permanently locked-out, titled Soldier of Fortune: Tactical Low-Violence Version. However, nonviolence is a possibility, if the player is a good shot it is possible to shoot an enemy's weapon out of their hand, causing them to cower on the floor to surrender. In the last mission there is also a fictional microwave weapon, causing the enemies to fry or explode, depending on the firing mode. It is possible to shoot off an enemy's limbs (head, arms, legs) leaving nothing left but a bloody torso. There are 26 zones in total: a shot to the head with a powerful gun will often make the target's head explode, leaving nothing but the bloody stump of the neck remaining a close-range shot to the stomach with a shotgun will leave an enemy's bowels in a bloody mess, and a shot to the nether regions will cause the victims to clutch their groin in agony for a few seconds before kneeling over dead. The GHOUL engine enables depiction of extreme graphic violence, in which character models are based on body parts that can each independently sustain damage ( gore zones). This graphic violence is the game's main stylistic attraction, much like the destructible environments of Red Faction or bullet time of Max Payne. Soldier of Fortune is best known for its graphic depictions of firearms dismembering the human body. Soldier of Fortune Online, a massively multiplayer online first-person shooter game, was published in Korea in 2010, but it servers were shut down shortly after its release. Two sequels were released: Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix (2002) and Soldier of Fortune: Payback (2007). The game sold well initially and critical reception was positive. The technology creates 26 different zones on the bodies of enemies, allowing for vastly different reactions depending upon which one is targeted. This was the game's stylistic attraction and it caused considerable controversy, especially in Canada and Germany, where it was classified as a restricted-rated film and listed on the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons, respectively. The game, which was built with the Quake II engine, is notable for its realistic depictions of violence, made possible by the GHOUL engine, including the dismemberment of human bodies. mercenary as he trots around the globe hoping to halt a terrorist nuclear weapons plot. It was digitally re-released on GOG.com on October 2, 2018, along with its two successors.
It was later released for the PlayStation 2 (as Soldier of Fortune: Gold Edition), as well as the Dreamcast, while Loki Software also made a port for Linux. Soldier of Fortune is a first-person shooter video game developed by Raven Software and published by Activision in 2000 for Microsoft Windows.